provides the option of product return or refund, provided the product is in a good resalable condition. If you find a product defective, you can Contact Us. As a customer, before returning the product, you must ensure that the product is intact and in good shape and condition. When the product is returned, we will inspect it to ensure everything is intact, and then exchange the product.

A product exchange or replacements are subject to the stock, availability of that product. will replace the product with another one.

You can return the product within 7 days of receipt of your package. The Returned item can be replaced for the same item or another item or a refund can be initiated using the same payment mode. If a refund is initiated, the amount is transferred to you in the same payment mode within a period of 7-10 working days.

Please note that replacements are subjected to the availability of the product.

The product eligible for return should be returned based on the following criteria or should satisfy the following criteria:

The product should be unused and in good condition.

Product seal, packaging, tags, logos, and boxes should be in original condition.

Once this eligibility criterion is met, you can repackage the product and send it back.

If the returned product is found not eligible for a refund, the same product would be shipped back to you and further return will not be accepted for the same.

The products that are not eligible for a refund are as follows:

Damaged products/ Misused products/ Opened Covers/ Used

Products returned based on flavours/ disliking/ stomach upset/ brands and any other problems.

The products having damage or defects that are not covered in the warranty.  Products without seal, box, tags, and packaging accessories and material.  Products missing any inclusions that are packed with the product.


In order to expedite the delivery process, we try to ship all orders within the same day or maximum by the next day. If you wish to cancel any order, you need to Contact Us within 3 hours of placing the order and we can cancel the order. Once an order is shipped, it cannot be cancelled and can only be returned / refunded.

